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Which Plants Are Poisonous To Dogs?

Which Plants Are Poisonous To Dogs?

As a responsible pet parent, you probably already know not to give your dog a chocolate bar as a treat. But did you know there are many plants that are toxic to dogs as well? Today our emergency vets in Capitola discuss the many plants that are poisonous to dogs, the symptoms you should look for, and how they can be treated.

What Plants Can Poison My Dog?

There are many plants that can make your dog sick and can be potentially deadly for your pup, which is why you should always keep them from chewing any plants or vegetation outside or in your yard because what can be safe and beautiful for you can be toxic for your canine companion.

Below our emergency veterinarians have listed some of the plants you should keep away from your dog at all cost and if your pooch does encounter any one of these items bring your dog to our Capitola, Connecticut:

Sago Palm

Every part of this plant is poisonous to dogs, but what makes this plant even more dangerous is that dogs like the smell of this plant and can enjoy eating them. If your pooch ingests this plant it can cause liver failure and potentially death.


This is a beautiful plant however, it can have a severe impact on your dog's health causing rapid or weak pulse, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, nausea, and even death.


Mistletoe is very beautiful and can be found in many homes during the winter holidays, however, if you have a dog please skip this holiday condition at all costs. If your pup accidentally eats one or two of its berries it can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and drolling. In the event, your canine companion eats a larger quantity of this plant it can cause collapse, seizures, abnormal heart rate, low blood pressure, and in more serious cases death.


This is a lovely and common ornamental shrub especially in coastal and drier regions of the states. This flower contains many toxins throughout the whole plant including cardiac glycosides, nerioside, oleandroside, and saponins. If your pooch ingests any parts of the plant it can cause diarrhea ( which may contain blood), vomiting, hypotension, incoordination, breathing difficulties, hypersalivation, comma, and possibly sudden death.


Another common plant found in gardens that, can have serious effects on your dog however, the severity of the symptoms can vary based on the amount your pup has consumed. These symptoms can include tremors, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, cardiac arrhythmias, seizures, heart failure, and death.

Autumn Crocus

Be very careful with this plant; it has a non-toxic 'twin' called spring crocus (no relation). The autumn crocus has many dangerous effects and almost every part of this plant is toxic. Its symptoms don't always show up immediately and can take several days to appear. Symptoms can include which can include diarrhea and vomiting (both can contain blood), bone marrow suppression, kidney and liver damage, seizures, shock, respiratory failure, and possibly death. Because it can take days for these symptoms to show you may not know the cause of your dog's illness. Always keep your dog close by and on a leash if you are in a yard or garden when these plants are present.

Rhododendron / Azalea

There are many varieties of this plant that can be found all across North America; however, if you have a dog AVOID planting this lovely flower in your garden because every part of this plant is toxic and can make your dog extremely sick. Some of the symptoms are hypertension, muscle weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, increased drooling, irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure, central nervous system depression, coma, cardiovascular collapse, and death.


Tulips are probably one of the most popular spring flowers you see planted in gardens at home and in public parks however if you are a dog owner we highly suggest keeping this plant out of your yard. The petals on this plant can upset your pup's stomach and the bulb itself that you plant in the ground is even more toxic which can cause an upset stomach, loss of appetite, and depression.

Some other plants that are poisonous or toxic to dogs are:

  • Allium
  • Japanese Yew
  • Holly
  • Perrywinkle/ Vinca
  • Perrenial Pea or Sweet Pea
  • Water Hemlock/ Cowbane/Poison Parsnip
  • Castor Bean / Castor Oil Plant
  • Maleberry / Staggerbush
  • Marijuana
  • Tabacco
  • Rhubarb
  • Ivy
  • Mushrooms (that you think are unsafe)

Symptoms of Poisoning From Plants

As there are numerous plants that can be dangerous to dogs, it's your responsibility as a pet owner should be aware of the most common symptoms of plant poisoning in dogs. We understand it can be hard to determine which plants are safe or dangerous, that's why we have listed the most common symptoms below:

  • Drooling
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Changes in Urine
  • Skin irritation (after contact with plants)

If you witness these symptoms in your dog, contact an emergency veterinarian because plant poisoning requires urgent care and can also be a sign of another serious condition. The sooner you call your vet the sooner your dog can be diagnosed and treated.

Treatment For Dogs That Have Been Poisoned

When you bring your dog to the vet, make note of your pet's symptoms as well as a sample or photograph of the plant they have come into contact with or consumed.

The treatment your vet provides for your dog will depend on the plant they were exposed to or have ingested because all toxins are different. However, treatments your vet could implement include:

  • Antidotes (if available)
  • Stomach pumping
  • Induced vomiting

Never induce vomiting in your pet unless instructed to do so by your veterinarian. Always call your vet as soon as you suspect your dog has been in contact with a toxic plant, and your veterinarian will provide you with instructions on what you can do to help your pet while you are on your way to the animal hospital.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If your dog has ingested a plant that could be poisonous, get in touch with us right away to get urgent care for your pet. Outside of our regular clinic hours, contact your nearest Capitola emergency vet.

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